Monday, September 13, 2010

Rockin' Green Review and Giveaway Ends Oct. 3rd!

SAP's Story

When I first started cloth diapering I did what most families new to fluff do when looking for a cloth diaper detergent...I went with the cheapest one that was most readily available and showed as "ok" for cloth diapers on some cloth diaper laundry detergent charts I found online. That of course ended up being something free and clear on the shelves at the grocery store.

THEN I started having leaking problems, build-up issues, repelling was not pretty, nor fun. We would strip weekly with some Dawn Dish Detergent but it was still occurring...we needed new detergent and we needed to somehow get that detergent build up out of our diapers!

Of course, at that time, I was past the whole "get the cheapest and easiest detergent" phase, I wanted quality, I wanted to enjoy washing my cloth diapers again (and I do enjoy it!), I wanted them to smell and look pretty! That's one of the reasons we all cloth diaper is for the cute fluff factor isn't it?! :)

I tried many diaper detergents, but the one that surpassed all my expectations and satisfied all my needs was Rockin' Green!

Rockin' Green has a variety of detergent designed to not only fit your unique needs, but also your unique preferences! They have different strengths of detergent that you can choose from, from their soft rock to their hard rock and their traditional classic rock everyone loves. So if you have a child with sensitive skin they have you covered! Or have hard water? They have that covered too!

Their formula is also unique in a different is a GREAT stripping detergent! And I'm not just talking cloth diapers here! I work grounds work full time in the hot sun in all kinds of conditions, my clothes get HORRIBLE! What do I do to get them clean and get the smell out? Rockin' Green! If Rockin' Green can stand up to that imagine what they've done for my cloth diapers, which had needed a great amount of stripping! Filled up the washing machine, soaked them, rinsed them a couple times, and they worked wonderful once again! And that only took one stripping!

I started out with the Classic formula of Rockin' Green as I was not sure what type of water I had nor how sensitive SAP would be to the detergent. I would suggest something similar if you are unsure yourself, you can never go wrong with classic! I LOVED that when I first ordered in the Fall as they had their fall scents out....including the Crunchy Pumpkin scent! I LOVE pumpkin! I'm sad it was only a seasonal scent and I really hope they bring it back this fall! But this brings up another wonderful point about Rockin' Green that many people love...their detergent is scented! They have wonderful scents for each person's individual preferences (or unscented if you don't like scent) so your cloth diapers or clothes will come out clean and smelling yummy! Who doesn't want to fold clothes smelling like raspberries or lavender!? And all the better, it's naturally scented, not artificially! So you don't feel bad about how good your clothes/diapers smell!
Sample Packs!!

For this review Rockin' Green was wonderful enough to send me some samples of their brand new Hard Rock 2.0 version of their and improved! Of course, I was excited to try it! I had recently learned we actually have hard water, so even though our Classic Rock was working well, I was curious what would happen if I tried their Hard Rock 2.0!

So without telling hubby, I switched detergents in the cloth diaper wash for a week! You know what I hear from him when he's stuffing diapers? "Hey Honey the stains are coming out of the diapers, they look whiter"! And he had no idea that I had switched detergents! That's saying something if he notices it! So we've continued to use the Rockin' Green Hard Rock for a couple more more stains! White, clean, yummy smelling diapers that don't leak! I am a very happy mommy! And my fears about SAP being sensitive to the detergent? Gone! SAP has sensitive skin, but Rockin' Green Hard Rock doesn't irritate her at all and I feel as if the diapers are getting cleaner so I worry less about her getting diaper rash!

What SAPsMaMa LOVES about Rockin' Green!

  • Environmentally friendly, it's biodegradable!
  • No fillers, No enzymes or optical brighteners, 100% Phosphate free, Vegan, and dye free!
  • Naturally scented with yummy scents (Check out scents on their FAQs Page!)
  • An unscented option!
  • Safe for cloth diaper use! See info HERE (Check out The Diaper Jungle Cloth Diaper Safe Detergent Chart!)
  • Sometimes you don't even need an extra rinse when using this detergent for washing cloth diapers, so you save water, yay!
  • Has 3 formulas to satisfy your unique needs! (See which formula is recommended for your area by using their great chart HERE!)
  • Offers sample packs as well as a 45/90 load sized bag and a big 90/180 load sized bag, so you can try before you buy or stock up and save!
  • Their new package looks awesome!
Suggested Improvements, There's Always Room For Improvement!

  • I would like to see a liquid Rockin' Green option in the future! There are many people that dislike powdered detergents and this alone might keep them from trying this wonderful detergent, so a liquid detergent would be helpful in this area!
  • I'd also like to see specific formulas for whitening, stripping etc., as I mainly use my Rockin' Green Hard Rock for times I need to strip now (which is A LOT less often!) so if there was a specific formula for that I'd be all over it!
  • Make seasonal scents available year round! I know they wouldn't be as special or sell as well but I would LOVE my pumpkin crunch back!
  • I would have suggested new packaging and a new laundry scoop as I had started out with the old style bag and the wooden scoop, but they've already covered that with the wonderful new magnetic scoop that measure any measurement you'd need with the detergent as well as their new bags that will be less prone to break upon shipping or tip over as easily! Thanks so much for the upgrades I love them! :)
About Rockin' Green

Rockin’ Green LLC was born out of necessity. My kid’s have incredibly sensitive skin and they broke out with just about everything store bought. Eventually I started buying WAHM soaps and lotions and saw an immediate improvement in their skin. On top of my kid’s skin sensitivities, I also found it extremely difficult to get my diapers clean with hard water. We either ended up with stinkies or buildup problems. So I set out to find a better way, and Rockin' Green was born.

Rockin' Green offers more than just excellent laundry detergent! They carry many other natural laundry supplies! Check out their:

Buy It!

You can purchase Rockin' Green laundry detergent and other products directly from their online store with shipping starting at just $1 !

You can also find Rockin' Green at retailers nation wide! Se which retailer is closest to you HERE!

Win It!

One lucky SAPsMaMa follower will be the recipient of one bag of Rockin' Green 45/90, a retail value of $13.95! Lucky you!

  • You must be a SAPsMaMa Google Friend Connect follower PUBLICLY to enter this giveaway!

  • You must leave your email in each comment/entry! You may leave your email in the " email at host dot com " format if you would like to deter spam bots, but your email MUST be included for your entry to count!

  • Mandatory entry must be completed before any other entries!

  • Leave a separate comment for each entry in order for all entries to be counted (i.e. if something is worth 2 entries, please leave two comments, and please label #1 and #2, etc.)

  • If you need clarification on how to complete one of the entries, feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to help!

  • I will check each comment entry! So please be fair and only enter for entries you qualify for!
Mandatory Entry! (Must be completed BEFORE any extra entries!)

You must follow SAPsMaMa PUBLICLY via Google Friend Connect!
Head on over to the Rockin' Green website and tell me what formula of Rockin' Green detergent you'd need (soft, classic, or hard rock), and what yummy scent you'd love to have it in!

This mandatory entry is worth 2 Entries, and you must do BOTH these things!

Extra Entries!
  • Subscribe to Rockin' Green's Newsletter! (1 Entry)
  • Like Rockin' Green on Facebook and tell them on their wall: I want to win a bag of Rockin' Green from @SAPsMaMa: Natural Parenting in the Modern World! (1 Entry)
  • Follow @RockinGreenSoap on Twitter! (1 Entry)
  • Tweet about the giveaway! You may tweet once per day! You may use this tweet if you would like:
    Rock the Soak with Rockin' Green! #Win a 45/90 bag of @RockinGreenSoap from @SAPsMaMa blog!
  • Tell me what scent you'd love to see from Rockin' Green! (1 Entry
  • Tell me what your favorite accessory from Rockin' Green is or that you'd be most interested in! (1 Entry)
  • Tell me who your closest retailer of Rockin' Green would be! (1 Entry)
  • Read my Rockin' Green review in this post above and answer the following questions, 1 extra entry per question answered! All answers should be pretty obvious, these are not trick questions! :) Make sure to put a separate comment for each entry!

    1. What is SAPsMaMa's favorite all time scent of Rockin' Green detergent?! (1 Entry)

    2. What else did I wash using Rockin' Green besides my cloth diapers? (1 Entry)

    3. What did SAPsDaDa say after I switched to Rockin' Green Hard Rock 2.0 without him knowing? :) (1 Entry)

  • Like SAPsMaMa on Facebook! Please leave your Facebook name or at least your first initial and last name for me to verify. (2 Entries!)
  • Follow @SAPsMaMa on Twitter! Please leave your twitter handle! (1 Entry)
  • Tweet about this giveaway! You may tweet daily! (1 Entry / day)
    You may use:
  • Subscribe to SAPsMaMa via RSS Feedburner! (1 Entry)
  • Change your Facebook status to link to this giveaway, remembering to tag @SAPsMaMa: Natural Parenting in the Modern World in your status post! Please leave the URL to your status in your entry! You may do this once per day! (1 Entry)
  • Enter any of my other CURRENT giveaways! (1 Entry Each!)
  • If you guessed this review correctly on SAPsMaMa's Facebook Fan Page (Kelly!), you get 5 extra entries! Be sure to like SAPsMaMa on facebook and have a chance at each giveaway at extra entries! (5 Entries)
  • If you participated in my little guessing game for this review/giveaway you get 1 extra entry! (1 Entry)
  • If you liked Dependable Luxury's Facebook Fan page and commented on their wall that Melissa from @SAPsMaMa: Natural Parenting in the Modern World referred you (remember to tag me!), you get 1 extra entry! You can still do this throughout the month of September and it will get you an additional entry into my other giveaways too! (1 Extra Entry per giveaway)
  • If your blog is Carbon Neutral, you get an extra entry! Please leave your link to your blog! You can learn how to do this on my blog post My Blog is Carbon Neutral, Is YOURS?! (1 Entries)
  • If you made a donation of any amount to the Cloth Diaper Foundation you get 10 extra entries! Learn details on how to do this on my recent post The Ying and Yang of Life and Help The Cloth Diaper Foundation Please! It's a great cause! (10 Entries)
  • If you helped out The Dirties on Diapering and got extra entries there (anywhere from 1-40 extra entries!) post those entries as well! You can find out how to get these extra entries at my blog post HERE! Requirements for these extra entries must be done before Wednesday Sep 15, 11:59pm EDT to qualify, but you may still use these extra entries in giveaways for the month of September, maybe longer! I have not decided yet :)
  • Any other extra entries please put in also, I will check and approve them, so be sure I know what you're referring to in your entry! :)
The product(s) provided for the review (3 Samples of Rockin' Green Hard Rock 2.0 Laundry Detergent) were sent to me free of charge from the company or the PR agency. The opinions expressed are 100% my own.
Text in Italics is from the company's website or otherwise sited from party it was received from.

Giveaway is open to USA Only! Giveaway will end Oct. 5th @ 11:59 PM (CST). Winner will be chosen using Winner will have 48 hours to respond after I contact via email. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen. Good Luck and thank you for supporting SAPsMaMa!

Thank you so much to Rockin' Green for providing the items for review and the giveaway prize!


1 – 200 of 247   Newer›   Newest»
curlie girlie said...

I follow you publicly and I'd love to try Classic Rock in Orangevana!
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com

curlie girlie said...

2 I follow you publicly and I'd love to try Classic Rock in Orangevana!
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Follow you publicly on GFC and I would like the Classic Rock in Smashing Watermelons. #1
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Follow you publicly on GFC and I would like the Classic Rock in Smashing Watermelons. #2
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Subscribed to Rockin' Green's newsletter.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Like Rockin' Green on facebook and left note on their wall.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Follow Rockin' Green Soap on twitter. (@hkittelson)
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

I would love to see an apple scent at Rockin' Green.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

The accessory I'm most interested in from Rockin' Green is the dryer ball.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

My closest retailer is For the Monster in Elkins, AR.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

1. What is SAPsMaMa's favorite all time scent of Rockin' Green detergent?!
Crunchy Pumpkin
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

2. What else did I wash using Rockin' Green besides my cloth diapers?
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

3. What did SAPsDaDa say after I switched to Rockin' Green Hard Rock 2.0 without him knowing?
"Hey Honey the stains are coming out of the diapers, they look whiter!"
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Like SapsMama on facebook. Heidi K
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Like SapsMama on facebook #2. Heidi K
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Follow SapsMama on twitter. (@hkittelson)
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Subscribed to your website via RSS feedburner.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

One extra entry for being on facebook when you were asking about posting the guessing game Sunday night.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

I follow SAPsMaMa publicly via Google Friend Connect and I would want Classic Rock in Smashing Watermelons. Thanks!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

kbant said...

I follow publicly

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

I would like classic rock in lavender mint revival!

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

I think lavender and vanilla would be an awesome scent.

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

I'm most interested in the pail freshener accessory!
kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

My nearest retailer is Lil Tulips in Stillwater MN
kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

You like the pumpkin crunch scent.

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

You washed your work clothes with Rockin Green!

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

Dad said the stains were coming out and the dipes looked whiter.

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

I like you on Facebook. Entry 1

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

I like you on facebook. Entry 2

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

Guessed Review Correctly!
Entry 1

kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

Guessed Review Correctly!

Entry 2
kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

Guessed Review Correctly!

Entry 3
kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

Guessed Review Correctly!

Entry 4
kellybant at gmail dot com

kbant said...

Guessed Review Correctly!

Entry 5
kellybant at gmail dot com

Kacy said...

I follow you, and I'd like Classic Rock in Rage Against the Raspberries.

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com


Kacy said...

I follow you, and I'd like Classic Rock in Rage Against the Raspberries.

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com


Kacy said...

I like Rockin Green on FB and wrote on their wall (Kacy Sandidge Ellis)

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

I follow Rockin Green on Twitter (@Meanderinghome)

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...


kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

My favorite accessory is the Dryer Balls

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

My closest RnG retailer is Pixie Baby

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

You washed your clothes from doing grounds work.

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

You like the discontinued Crunchy Pumpkin scent.

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

SAPsDaDa said that the diapers were looking whiter.

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

I like SAPsMaMa on FB (Kacy Sandidge Ellis)1

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

I like SAPsMaMa on FB (Kacy Sandidge Ellis)2

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Kacy said...

I follow you on Twitter (@Meanderinghome)

kacyrellis [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower and I would get the hard rock in Motley Clean!

Anonymous said...

Like them on fb and left them a comment!

Anonymous said...

Signed up for their newsletter!

Anonymous said...

follow them on twitter @chubbycheeks143

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower via GFC

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would lvoe to see baby powder!

Anonymous said...

Would love the magnetic scoop!

Anonymous said...

follow you on twitter @chubbycheeks143

Anonymous said...

like you on fb #1

Anonymous said...

like you on fb #2

Anonymous said...

Crunchy Pumpkin is your fav

Anonymous said...

You washed clothes

Anonymous said...

He said that the stains came out!

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Blog follower via GFC.
I like Bare Naked Babies in Classic Rock.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I follow Rockin Green on twitter.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I tweeted:
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I'd love to see a summer rain scent from RG.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I love that Rockin Green has a Pail freshener!
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Tiny Bird Organics is the closest retailer for me.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Facebook fan of Rockin Green and wrote on their wall.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

You like the Pumpkin scent.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Sapsdada noticed how the diapers were getting whiter and the stains were coming out!
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I follow you on facebook #1.
sarah brown
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I follow you on facebook #2.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I follow you on twitter.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Entered the Applecheeks giveaway.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Facebook fan of Dependable Luxury and tagged you.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

following publicly

Hard Rock- Bare Naked Babies!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to RNG newsletter!

Anonymous said...

Fb fan of Rng!

Anonymous said...

Following rng on twitter (alexfisher7)

Anonymous said...

I love their laundry scoops!

Anonymous said...

like you on fb #1
alex f

Anonymous said...

liked you on fb #2
alex f

Anonymous said...

following on twitter

Attila & Tamara said...

I follow your blog publicly!

I'd love to have RGn in either Bare Naked Babies or Smashing Watermelons!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

I follow your blog publicly!

I'd like the Classic Rock in either bare naked babies or Smashing watermelons!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

entry 2

Attila & Tamara said...

I Follow @RockinGreenSoap on Twitter!

ID: @szogediek

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

I'd love to see some sort of pumpkin scent for fall!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

Favorite accessory: Diaper sprayer! I'd so love to have one!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

The closest retailer to me is Sugar Dipes--but that is 94 miles away so for me it is still best to order online, sadly!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

Crunchy Pumpkin is your favorite scent ever!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

You also washed your work clothes in Rockin Green!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

SAPsDaDa said ""Hey Honey the stains are coming out of the diapers, they look whiter"!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

I Follow @SAPsMaMa on Twitter!

ID: @szogediek

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Blog Follower!
I'd love the Classic Rock, Mötley Cleän scent!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Blog Follower! #2
I'd like the Classic Rock, Mötley Cleän scent!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Like Rockin Green on Facebook & commented!
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Follow @RockinGreenSoap on Twitter!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

From the accessories, I'd LOVE the sprayer!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My closest retailer is Sproutin' Up in Rolla!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to see a HoneySuckle scent!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Like SAPsMaMa on Facebook! #1
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Like SAPsMaMa on Facebook! #2
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Follow you on Twitter!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Shared on Facebook!!/rebecca.a.smith88?v=wall&story_fbid=155288267823757
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Chelsey said...

I follow you publicly through GFC, and I would love RnG classic in Rage against the Raspberries. :)

Chelsey said...

I follow you publicly through GFC, and I would love RnG classic in Rage against the Raspberries. :)

Chelsey said...

I subscribed to Rockin' Green's newsletter.

Chelsey said...

I like Rockin' Green on facebook and commented.

Chelsey said...

I follow RockinGreen on twitter as Chelyea.

Chelsey said...


Chelsey said...

I would love Rockin' Green to develop a scent using lemon grass. It's one of my favorites.

Chelsey said...

So far, my favorite RnG accessory is my scoop, but it would be awesome to have some sort of reusable hard-sided container instead of just bags.

Chelsey said...

The closest RnG retailer is supposed to be a cloth diaper store nearby called BabyaWEARness, but I've never seen RnG in stock :(

Chelsey said...

Your favorite RnG scent is Crunchy Pumpkin. :)

Chelsey said...

You use Rockin' Green on your work clothes too. I use mine to clean the nasty gunk from hair spray and product build-up off my styling tools and brushes. (No cords of course.)

Chelsey said...

SAPsDaDa said the stains were coming out of the diapers.

Chelsey said...

I like you on facebook.
Chelsey Varela

Chelsey said...

I like you on facebook.
Chelsey Varela

Chelsey said...

I follow you on twitter as Chelyea.


Chelsey said...

Tweeted about the giveaway.


Katie S said...


katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

I'm following @RockinGreenSoap on Twitter (@katie0stewart)

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

your all-time favorite scent was Crunchy Pumpkin!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

Besides your cloth diapers, you washed your clothes in it because you work grounds

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

SAPsDaDa said the stains were coming out of the diapers and they looked whiter!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

I Like SAPsMaMa on Facebook (Katie Farish Stewart)

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

I follow SAPsMaMa on Twitter (@katie0stewart)

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

I subscribe to SAPSMaMa RSS Feed

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Carrie said...

I follow you publicly with GFC

I definitely need Hard Rock here! I think I would love to have Lavender Mint Revival!

dangerouscrayon at gmail dot com

Carrie said...

I follow rockingreensoap on twitter
dangerouscrayon at gmail dot com

Carrie said...


dangerouscrayon at gmail dot com

Carrie said...

I would love to seem some kind of stain treatment from GnG

dangerouscrayon at gmail dot com

Carrie said...

I follow you on twitter - meanrottenmama

dangerouscrayon at gmail dot com

Chelsey said...


Chelsey said...


JoyFilled said...

I would need the classic, and think the Lavender Mint sounds wonderful!

lukeandbryn aT gmail DOT com

Chelsey said...


Unknown said...

new follower. I would get the hard rock in Lavender Mint Revival.
t_freckleton at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I Like Rockin' Green on Facebook and left the msg on their wall
t_freckleton at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I love if they made a vanilla scent
t_freckleton at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

the wool dryer balls are my favorite. I'm going to get some!
t_freckleton at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

My nearest retailer is Doodle Dandi Diapers in Cedar Hill TX
t_freckleton at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

T. Freckleton-Petite Likes SAPsMaMa on Facebook +1
t_freckleton at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

T. Freckleton-Petite Likes SAPsMaMa on Facebook +2
t_freckleton at yahoo dot com

Chelsey said...


Nikki said...

I follow you on GFC -- I think I need the Classic formula and I'd like to try Motley Clean :) #1 ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

I follow you on GFC -- I think I need the Classic formula and I'd like to try Motley Clean :) #2 ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

I'm signed up for Rockin' Greens emails :) ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

I like Rockin' Green on FB and told them what I wanted to win, just like you asked! ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

I'd like to try out their Dryer Balls :) ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

The closest retailer is Abby's Lane! ngiraldi @

Rebecca Orr said...

Follower. I would love to try the Plain Green Teas in the Classic version. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...

Follower of Rockin' Green on Fb: Bekki Orr

bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...

Following Rockin' Green on Twitter: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail

Nikki said...

1) You love the Crunchy Pumpkin scent, right?! ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

2) You also wash your work clothes in Rockin' Green! ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

3) "Hey Honey the stains are coming out of the diapers, they look whiter"! That's what the Daddy said! ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

I like you on FB : N...G...Homoroc ngiraldi @

Nikki said...

I'm entered in the AppleCheeks giveaway, wish me luck! ngiraldi @

Chelsey said...


Chelsey said...

I entered your Applecheeks giveaway too :)

Chelsey said...

Shared on facebook.

Chelsey said...


Chelsey said...

Shared on facebook.

Chelsey said...


Chelsey said...

Shared on facebook.

Go Long! Go Green! said...


allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Go Long! Go Green! said...

I need hard rock and unscented for my dd's sensitive skin!

allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Go Long! Go Green! said...

I already follow RG on FB!! posted the link though

allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Go Long! Go Green! said...

follow on twitter @SGsMama

allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Go Long! Go Green! said...


allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Go Long! Go Green! said...

I would love to see a pumpkin pie scent! :)

allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Go Long! Go Green! said...

I would love more dryer balls

allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Go Long! Go Green! said...

the store closest to me is in cincy, OH

allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Go Long! Go Green! said...

follow you on twitter


allyson dot long at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Follow you! I would choose hard rock formula in the motley clean scent.

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Follow you! I would choose the hard rock formula in the motley clean scent.

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Subscribe to Rockin' Green's Newsletter

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Like Rockin' Green on Facebook - heatherscholten

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would love a lemon/lime or lemon verbena scent!

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Love their laundry scoops!

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My closest retailer is Love Bugs Diapers in Cedar Rapids, IA

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Subscribe to SAPsMaMa via RSS Feedburner

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Chelsey said...


Chelsey said...

Shared on facebook.

Brandi Elam said...

I follow on GFC and I would love to try Rockin Green in Hard Rock formula in the orangevana scent!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

I would love to see a grapefruit scent the way grapefruit always smells so fresh!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

Your favorite scent is pumpkin crunch!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

I like you on FB -Brandi Elam

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

I subscribe to you via Feedburner

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

I love their diaper pail freshener.

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

I like Rockin Green on FB! I also told them on their wall about your giveaway and that I want to win it!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

The closest retailer to me is in Huntsville, AL: A Nurturing Moment.
That's a 2 hour drive...

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

You also washed your work clothes with Rockin Green

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

Sapsdada said the stains were coming out and the diapers looked whiter.

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said...

I entered the giveaway for Soy Genius.

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Chelsey said...


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